Multiple Persönlichkeit via Twitter und ROI

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Machen Sie schon mit beim Twittern, oder fragen Sie sich noch, ‚Was bringst im Verhältnis zum Aufwand‘ und ‚Wie packe ich es an‘? Der Wissensmanagement-Guru David Gurteen hat sogar drei Twitter-Idenditäten. Sind das etwa seine ‚Multiplen Persönlichkeiten‘? Nun, er hat diese Frage in seinem jüngsten Knowledge-Letter (Nr. 98 vom 13. August) so gut beantwortet, dass ich es hier auszugsweise wörtlich wiedergebe (Formatierungen und Links sind hinzugefügt):

Its not so much that I have 3 identities on Twitter more that I have created 3 Twitter feeds …:

1. DavidGurteen is my personal feed that I use to keep people updated with where I am, what I am doing, thinking etc i.e. the traditional use of Twitter. I embed this „what am I doing…“ status on every page of my website so unlike many other twitterers I tend to only twitter once or twice a day and do not use the in-built Twitter messaging feature. This status is also automatically displayed in FaceBook, Plaxo and other social tools like FriendFeed which is very useful for keeping people updated on what I am about.

2. GurteenQuotes – this starts out as an RSS feed that I generate from my website (where I have over 700 quotations stored) and feed through TwitterFeed to convert it from RSS to Twitter format. People can follow this (subscribe to it in RSS terms) and get a neat little quote from me each day. A Lotus Notes agent does all the work here – only selecting those quotes in my database that are less than 140 characters and thus fit in the limited space allowed by Twitter.

3. GurteenNews – is similar to GurteenQuotes except that I post newsitems to my site and an agent releases one or two each day to an RSS feed that again gets turned into a Twitter feed via TwitterFeed. I plan for most of these to be short hot items i.e. „Google releases Knol“ along with a direct link to the announcement. When I come across such news items it takes me less than 30 seconds to post to my website and so the overhead is not high. Again a Lotus Notes agent running in the background takes care of all the detailed work.

As for money, I make no direct income from any of this but :

1. the cost and time of doing this is negligible and the feeds provide a valuable service to my community.
2. it helps build my network – people get to know me and visit my website; sign up for my knowledge letter; get to know me even better and this is how I get my work and ultimately my income.
3. also, by following people on Twitter I get to know them better and this helps me develop and build my relationships with them; additionally I get breaking news in near real time and lots of useful little insights to what is going on in the big wide world.
So the bottom line: I find the Twitter ROI high. I couldn’t imagine life with out it!

Nun, so nutzt ein Virtuose Twitter. Unsereins kann ja auch klein anfangen; ich pflege vorerst nur ein Twitter-Feed.

Dazu ermuntert uns auch Martin Weigert, der in seinem „Web 2.0 im Unternehmen: Lieber heute als morgen“ Twitter zu den Produktivitätstools unter den Web-2.0-Diensten zählt, die er als Mitarbeiter – in seinem Fall einem kleinen bis mittelgrossen Unternehmen – nicht missen möchte (siehe im Text den Abschnitt ‚Microblogging statt Meetings‚).

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